In order to comission the ISMA-MAC36 from Niagara 4 Workbench, you have to copy some extra software files into your Niagara installation before you can start the commissioning wizard.
The first thing to do is download iSMA_MAC_files_installer_v1.6 from
Once downloaded run the .bat file, this will place all the necessary files into their correct folders within the Niagara versions installed on the PC.
Once completed, run the platform daemon and open workbench, connect to the MAC, default IP/credentials are as follows.
Start the Commissioning wizard process and once finished, its ready to go!
If you receive the following window in the commissioning process the install files will have to be added manually into the following directories.
Place the JAR Modules to the C:\Niagara\ modules folder.
Place the cleanDist files to C:\Niagara\Niagara4.xx.x.xx\cleanDist.
Place the SW (dist) files for the correct version in the corresponding sw folders. Example for Niagara N4.10.1.36: Files from 4.10 folder copy to C:\Niagara\Niagara\sw\
Like below:
And from 4.9 copy iSMA-isma-os.dist to C:\Niagara\Niagara-\sw\
Like below:
Start the Commissioning wizard process as normal and once finished, its ready to go!