Licensing Reflow for Niagara 4

Reflow requires a license to be deployed in production environments and/or sold as part of commercial services. See the product page for more information or to purchase a license.

Trial Mode

Installing Reflow without purchasing a license from NiagaraMods for your Host ID will result in the service running in a free trial mode. In trial mode, Reflow limits the number of buildings, floor plans, devices, and pages that you can add. It will also prompt the user each time they visit the site with a popup box alerting them that the module is in free trial mode.

Viewing your License

To view your license, enter the Reflow Config View and go to Settings > License. This view will display all of your license information including any limits on Buildings, Floor Plans, Equipment, and Pages. You can refresh your license with our servers at any time by clicking on the Refresh License button.

License File

NiagaraMods license files are installed in the local station file system at the root directory. The license file is named niagaramods.license.

Automatic Licensing

In most cases, Reflow can install and manage the license for your Host ID automatically. The service will reach out to the NiagaraMods licensing system on station startup and approximately every 24 hours thereafter.

** Automatic installation and management requires that the station has internet access and is able to connect to the server over HTTP/HTTPS.

Manual License Installation

** If you do not have internet connectivity on your station, you will need to repeat the manual installation each year before the license file expires (one year after it was generated).

** If your license was purchased through One Sightsolutions then you may need to contact us to get a copy of the license files as you may not have access to the Niagaramods licensing portal yourself.

In cases where your station does not have internet connectivity including if a VPN or firewall is preventing your station from reaching out to the internet, you can install your Host’s license file manually by following these instructions:

  1. Sign in to the NiagaraMods website and go to your Licenses page.
  2. Click on the Host ID whose license you want to install in the list under the Host IDs section of the page.
  3. On the Host Details page, click on the Niagara License tab in the middle of the page. This page will give you options to download or email the niagaramods.license file for the host. Save this file in a location that you can access from Workbench.
  4. In Workbench, navigate to where you saved your niagaramods.license file in the My File System nav tree. Right-click on the niagaramods.license file and choose Copy
  5. Connect to your station in Workbench. Open its nav tree and right-click on Files, then select Paste in the menu.

** Do not install the niagaramods.license file using the Niagara License Manager in your host platform. The file must be copied to the station file system.


JACE / Controller hardware

JACE’s do not typically have DNS servers setup out of the box. This can cause an issue when Reflow attempts to connect to the NiagaraMods license server and download your license. You can fix this by installing your license manually or by setting a DNS server in the TCP/IP Configuration in your platform. If you are not sure which DNS servers to use, we recommend using Google’s Public DNS Servers at the and IP addresses.

Outbound Firewalls

If your host is on a network with an outbound firewall or other content filtering mechanisms, ensure that an exception is made for the host over HTTP and HTTPS (ports 80 and 443 respectively).

License Sizing

The reflow license model is based on hosts (the niagara instance upon which it is to be installed) and the number of devices/equipment’s that you wish to represent within the Reflow UI.

A single license allows for 3 buildings to be created in the Reflow UI out of the box and includes 50 ‘devices’ to be added.

A ‘device’ or ‘equipment’ in reflow means a device as created in the reflow dashboard itself. Example, you may have a supervisor with 1000’s of devices or points feeding into it. However in reflow, devices doesn’t mean devices as coming into niagara e.g number of BACnet devices/Modbus/NiagarNetwork etc. You create a device in reflow, assign some points to it, then give it a name. This = 1 device.

So you may wish to create 50 devices in reflow, each consisting of electricity metering points such as kw and KWH. Or 50 sensors consisting of Temp, Humidity, CO2 etc. Although your station consists of data from 1000’s of devices, you have represented 50 individual devices in reflow.

Features & Pricing

For information on the features, licensing and pricing of Reflow, please contact One Sightsolutions and see the product page here.

Updated on August 9, 2022

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