ossEasyAPI: O365 Outlook Calendar API This is a guide to accessing the Microsoft Office 365 Outlook calendar REST API.
ossEasyAPI: Spotify ‘now playing’ information Introduction This is a guide to accessing the Spotify music service REST API.The guide includes a description of the API...
Backup Niagara 4 Supervisor Stations with ossStationBackup For those that didn’t know, there is currently no way to schedule an automated backup of a Niagara Supervisor station...
ossEasyMQTT User Guide ossEasyMQTT is our own implementation of an MQTT driver for the Tridium Niagara 4 framework. It fully supports TLS connections, as well as Username/Password or Client Certificate authentication making it compatible with the vast majority of MQTT brokers.
ossBatchFacets User Guide Updated for version 1.0.0 Introduction This document provides a quick guide to using the One Sightsolutions Niagara ossBatchFacets software. Requirements...